How Do I Stop Grass From Growing in My Brick Sidewalk?

Grass growing in a brick sidewalk is unsightly and a tripping hazard, but it is possible to control it using a variety of methods. The loose sand mortar that’s often used in the spaces between brick pavers, and the dirt and plant debris that collects there over the years, provide suitable conditions for grass seeds to sprout. As the grass grows, its roots spread to the cracks, and when the grass is pulled out, the roots can remain behind and re-sprout. Annual and perennial grasses can develop in a brick sidewalk, and the control procedures for both are the same.

Removing Grass

Remove the existing grass working with a systemic herbicide that targets grasses, like a product featuring fluazifop, which controls the grass roots in addition to the leaves. On a dry, daily, wear a long-sleeved shirt, long trousers and gloves, and gently spray on a ready-to-use 0.48 percent fluazifop-p-butyl merchandise on the grass when it’s actively growing. Spray the grass again after seven days, and pull out the plants when they’re brown, dry and withered. Do not spray herbicides for grass near ornamental grasses.

Replacing Mortar

Grass thrives in loose sand mortar between brick pavers, so replace the loose sand with mud. A mortar that sets hard after it’s been wetted, polymeric sand provides conditions in which grass struggles to develop. Remove the loose sand and dirt from between the brick pavers, and sweep the sand and dirt off. Spread polymeric sand above the sidewalk, and sweep it to the gaps between the bricks until the cracks have been filled into the surface. Business the sand with your gloved hands, or use a sheet of wood to firm it, and spread more sand to fill any hollows that appear. Brush off loose sand. Fit a soft spray attachment to your garden hose, and carefully spray on the sidewalk to wet the sand but never wash it out of their cracks. Use an old cloth to wipe off any sand on the sidewalk surface before it sets.

Keeping a Brick Sidewalk

Regular washing and sweeping maintain a brick sidewalk grass-free with herbicides. When plant and dirt debris builds up on a brick sidewalk, grass rapidly colonizes the region. Brush the sidewalk every week using a stiff broom, sweeping the surface clean. If the dirt is really hard to remove because it’s dried on after rain, then spray it using a high-pressure jet of water from a garden hose and scrub it with the broom at the identical moment.

Applying Long-Lasting Herbicides

Long-lasting herbicides control grass in a brick sidewalk and protect against grass seeds from sprouting. Apply long-lasting herbicides on a dry, daily when the grass is actively growing and the daytime temperature is above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Wear protective clothing, and spray a ready-to-use 0.016 percent imazapyr and one percent glyphosate product at a rate of 27 fluid ounces per 10 square feet. Using herbicides on paving is risky because they can get washed into storm drains and ground water during heavy rainfall, so always apply them based on the manufacturer’s directions.

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