Chemicals to Kill Bamboo

Bamboo (*Bambusa*, *Fargesia*, *Phyllostachys* and *Pleioblastus* spp.) Is really just an extremely tall-growing kind of evergreen grass. It’s hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 10. Running-type bamboo species like yellow groove (*Phyllostachys aureosulcata*), hardy in USDA zones 4 to 9, will grow rampant if they aren’t included. Utilize a non-selective herbicide to kill stands of bamboo which have outgrown their allotted place or if the area has to be cleared for new landscaping.

Glyphosate Herbicide

Utilize an herbicide which includes glyphosate to kill bamboo at the spring, summer or early autumn. It’s applied to the leaf or cut stumps. The herbicide, absorbed through the leaf or stump, goes via the bamboo to kill the roots of this plant.

Glyphosate Foliar Application

Cut the bamboo stalks off as near the ground as possible with loppers or a saw at the spring. Let the bamboo grow over the summer. In late summer or early autumn once the leaves are older, spray them with the herbicide. Dilute glyphosate concentrate at a rate of 2 percent or even 2 2/3 ounces of concentrate per gallon of water. Mix it in a tidy, 1-gallon milk jug or similar container. Pour the solution into a spray bottle or hand-pump pressure sprayer. Ready-to-use herbicides containing 1 percent glyphosate will even be successful. Spray the leaves and stems till they are moist but not dripping. 1 treatment should do the task, but keep an eye on the bamboo for a single year and re-treat, if needed, when fresh leaves are older. The leaves must begin to turn yellow and wilt within a single week. Don’t dilute the glyphosate in a higher concentration rate. It will kill the conductive tissue before it can reach the lower plant components and the bamboo will grow back.

Glyphosate Cut Stump Application

Utilize a ready-to-use herbicide which contains 8 to 10 percent glyphosate or dilute glyphosate concentrate to 8 to 10 percent to eliminate cut stumps in the summer or spring. Mix 13 ounces of 41 percent glyphosate concentrate into 1 gallon of water for 10 percent concentration. Mix it in a container, pour it into a spray bottle or bucket. Take it outside when cutting on the bamboo. Cut the bamboo stalks as near the ground as possible with loppers or a saw. Spray the herbicide or use a paint brush to coat the cut stump immediately after cutting the bamboo down. Thoroughly cover the entire top surface of the stump. It should not need to be retreated but, if the leaves grow back, then apply a foliar spray with glyphosate diluted to 1 to 2 percent.

Glyphosate Precautions

Apply glyphosate early in the day so it will be dry before day. Don’t spray glyphosate on a rainy afternoon or when rain is predicted within one day. Protect neighboring plants from drift as the herbicide can damage them. Use cardboard or plastic sheeting to cover nearby plants and also leave it on them for a couple hours to be sure the herbicide has settled. Wear protective eyewear, gloves and rubber gloves when using lasers. Keep people and pets off from the treated bamboo before the herbicide is completely dry.

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