Can Marigolds Repel Bugs Out Of My Herbs?

Can Marigolds Repel Bugs Out Of My Herbs?

Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) Are hardy, bright small flowers grown for their non invasive blooming. Marigolds come in hundreds of varieties. Some species are also beneficial: French marigolds (Tagetes patula) secrete a substance from their roots which kills nematodes and repels whiteflies. But all insects will not repel out of your own herbs.

Herbs and Pests

Herbs are resistant to pests and diseases. Their strong odor keeps many pests away, as well as those bugs which do bother the plants seldom seriously damage them. However, herbs are not completely pest-free: Aphids, spider mites and whiteflies all commonly infest herbs. And although marigolds might repel whiteflies, they will not repel aphids or spider mites; both of which can infest herbs grown inside and outside.

Plant Them Anyway

Marigolds may not repel all insects which come near your herbs, but they are still beneficial. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, you can treat them as annuals in cooler climates. French marigolds kill nematodes and blossom continuously until frost. Small and bushy, they don’t usually grow taller than 12 inches and make an attractive edge and contrast for your herb garden without overpowering the herb plants. Marigolds thrive in full sun and adapt to all kinds of soil as long as they are watered during times of drought.

Be , Bugs

You’ll likely have to take different steps to eliminate pests in your herbs. The easiest way to do this is to blast them off with a solid flow of water. This has the additional benefits of rinsing the leaves off of your herbs and additionally watering them. You can even remove aphids, spider mites and mealybugs off the plants by dipping a gentle brush into a solution of 2 teaspoons of mild liquid detergent added to 1 gallon of water. Or, make an all-natural pesticide — one which will not harm your herbs or cover them with chemicals — by adding 15 garlic cloves and one pint of water into a blender. Puree until it’s smooth, and then strain it through a piece of cheesecloth. Pour the mix into a spray bottle and thoroughly coat the top and bottom of the leaves of infested plants.

Other Alternatives

It is not just marigolds that can repel specific insects in the own herbs. Petunias (Petunia spp.) , which increase as perennials in USDA zones 10 through 11, but are often treated as annuals, repel various types of aphids and other insect pests. They thrive in full sun and light color and, like marigolds, petunias will bloom all summer when cared for properly. Dill (Anethum graveolens) is useful in the kitchen and repels aphids and spider mites. This yearly herb thrives in full sun and in well-draining soil and has the added plus of being deer-resistant.

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Are Bunk Bed and Twin Mattresses That the Exact Same Size?

Are Bunk Bed and Twin Mattresses That the Exact Same Size?

In many cases, a twin-sized mattress is exactly what is needed for a bunk bed. If it comes to some normal bunk using both mattresses exactly the exact same dimensions, most producers create the bunk bed to take a standard twin mattress. However, not all bunk beds are made equally — some feature a twin bed on top, a full on the bottom or perhaps a futon to your bottom bunk region.

Bunk Mattress Basics

A normal bunk bed for a child’s room features two twin mattresses. A twin bed is 39 inches wide and 75 inches long. But another type of twin bed exist: a twin XL. The extra long range has the exact same width, however, an extra five inches of length at 80 inches long. The extra long twin has the exact same length as a queen or king mattress. If you’re unsure which type of twin bed is best for a narrow bunk, then measure the length within the bed area where the mattress belongs. A bunk bed must fit snugly inside the framework or enclosure for maximum safety.

Bunk Bed Variations

A bunk that has a narrow bed on the top and a wide one on the bottom requires one twin and one full-sized mattress. If the bottom area contains a futon that folds into a seat, a futon bed is needed, because these kinds of mattresses flex to attain the desired position.

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How to Wash Antique Mirrors

How to Wash Antique Mirrors

Antique mirrors add a touch of vintage charm to your home. But frames — particularly people who have filigree or other ornamentation — can become stale, as well as the glass may get smudged. A soft touch is vital when cleaning antique mirrors to safeguard the glass and frame. Rather than using harsh chemicals, use gentle goods to avoid damaging the mirror. Regular cleaning helps keep your mirror looking shiny, taking it from dusty relic to dialogue piece.

Dust the mirror frame with a feather duster or soft-bristled paintbrush. You do not need to utilize dusting spray.

Insert 1/4 cup white vinegar to 1 cup. As an alternative, use plain rubbing alcohol.

Saturate a little part of a chamois cloth with the vinegar solution or alcohol.

Wipe the mirror glass with the cloth, avoiding the frame. Wipe the mirror with a dry chamois cloth to prevent streaking.

Buff the surface of the mirror in circles with the dry chamois cloth or a piece of crumpled paper to bring out the shine.

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Sizes of Septic Tanks & Shapes

Sizes of Septic Tanks & Shapes

Septic tanks are typically made of fiberglass, plastic or reinforced concrete. Metal tanks are also available, but these can corrode rapidly and are not typically recommended. Septic tanks may be constructed in rectangular, round or oval forms, but the shape of a septic tank does not typically affect its function. The main factor in picking a septic tank is making sure you have the right size to adapt your house.

Concrete Tank Construction

Concrete septic tanks are heavy and usually rectangular in shape. They are typically constructed in one of 3 different types: mid-seal, top-seal, or monolithic. Mid-seal tanks contain 2 halves, and these are joined with a mastic sealant. A top-seal tank is just a one-piece cylinder using a concrete lid. Monolithic cast tanks are cast in a factory as one unit, which makes them more waterproof but also more costly than other forms of concrete tanks.

Debate and Plastic Tanks

Fiberglass and plastic tanks are produced in around or capsule-like shapes and have a nearly impervious waterproof seal. They’re more costly than concrete units, but since these tanks are formed as one piece, there are no seams, the tanks are lightweight, and they are more resistant than concrete tanks to impact cracks.

A Range of Tank Sizes

Septic tank sizes are measured in liters, based on the quantity of sewage the tank can hold. Septic tanks must hold at least 2 days’ worth of sewage from your house so the seams correctly separate from the liquids prior to the liquids move in the absorption field. The tank size is based on the amount of bedrooms in your home. Standard tank sizes are usually 1,000, 1,250 and 1,500 gallons, and these suit most homes. Typically, the minimum tank liquid capacity of a single- to three-bedroom house is 1,000 gallons. A four-bedroom home requires a minimal 1,250-gallon tank, and a house with five bedrooms requires a minimal tank fluid capacity of 1,500 gallons. In case you have a spa or whirlpool, add one-bedroom worth of capacity per fixture.

Estimating Your Needed Tank Size

Tank dimension is calculated using a very simple calculation, although other factors, such as soil type, needs to be considered as well. For this reason it is best to get a specialist assess the site and your house to determine the ideal size of tank for your requirements. However, to obtain an idea of the minimal size required for your house, multiply 150 gallons per bedroom, and multiply the total by 2 to allow for your 48-hour retention time required. As an example, a one-bedroom house would need a minimum tank fluid capacity of 300 gallons. If your house contains more six bedrooms, or you have five bedrooms and a spa, you’d multiply 150 by 6, and the total, which is 900, is multiplied by 2 to give you a minimum liquid capacity of 1,800 gallons.

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How to Promote Oil Heating With Pellet Stoves

How to Promote Oil Heating With Pellet Stoves

There’s nothing quite like the smell of burning timber, however the relative inefficiency and high levels of pollution of wood stoves has led many families to steer clear of wood heating in favor of oil and other kinds of fuel. The introduction of wood pellets, which burn cleaner and more efficiently than other types of timber, has directed some homeowners to return to the tradition of wood heating. Before you switch, then weigh the advantages and disadvantages of heating with pellets versus oil to compare prices, availability and other critical features.

Compare Costs

The typical family requires 50 to 150 thousand BTUs to heat a house for the winter, according to the Forests Products Laboratory. To compare prices for various kinds of heating fuels, it’s helpful to look past the cost per unit and consider cost-per-thousand BTUs of heat. A 2011 report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration found that pellets cost $19.43 per thousand BTUs, while oil was priced at $36.33 per thousand BTUs. Prices for oil and pellet heating vary by year and location, but generally speaking, heating with pellets prices less than heating with oil.

Check Availability

Of course, low average costs for pellets mean very little if you can not find pellets in your area. While 11 percent of all homes use oil heating, less than 3 percent of the populace heats with wood pellets, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. That means pellets may not be readily available in all markets. Before you invest in a pellet stove, check online or in the telephone book for local pellet vendors. If none are available, the cost of shipping pellets to your residence may be restrictive, making oil the cheaper of the two options.

Think about the Environmental Impact

When it comes to the environment, you will discover pros and cons to both pellets and oil heating. Wood pellets are a waste product and function as an ingenious way of recycling scrap timber. On the other hand, the “Foster’s Daily Democrat” reports heating with pellets produces 50 times more pollution than burning oil, despite the fact that pellets burn much more cleanly than conventional wood. While oil burns cleaner and produces fewer emissions than pellets, its biggest disadvantage is the fact that it is a fossil fuel. That means it’s in relatively small supply, and both costs and availability can fluctuate over time.

Ask About Maintenance Requirements

While looking for a new pellet or oil heating system, ask about maintenance requirements for each. Generally, pellet stoves have to be cleaned frequently to remove ash. They also require regular reloading to maintain a constant supply of pellets. Oil-powered systems normally require just seasonal cleaning of the chimney and exhaust systems and may be simpler for those seeking to minimize time spent on maintenance.

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Can Pole Beans Be Planted Next to Sunflowers?

Can Pole Beans Be Planted Next to Sunflowers?

In companion planting, different plants’ capacity to grow and prosper together leads to a naturally healthy and vigorous garden. Under this principle, specific plants get along well with other plants, even to the point of enhancing and stimulating development. But not each pairing is a great one. Some plants, such as sunflowers, don’t develop well with pole beans. Cucumbers and sunflowers, on the other hand, are a joyful marriage.

The 3 Sisters Principle

Sunflowers look as though they should be the perfect host for a climbing plant such as the rod bean. Underneath the 3 sisters principle, beans are positioned to grow up the corn stem; consequently, beans improve the soil by fixing nitrogen; squash, meanwhile, rises below the beans and maintains the soil shaded. This mutual aid society, however, does not seem to work as well when sunflowers are involved. The sunflower is a bad companion for pole beans and also will hider their growth when planted close by.

Sunflowers and Competition

Chemical compounds in the seed husks as well as the leaves and stalk of the sunflower ensure it is incompatible with certain crops. This chemical procedure, known as allelopathy, is a plant’s capacity to produce and excrete natural compounds into the soil that discourage seed germination and development of certain other plants. And pole beans aren’t the only incompatible plant; potatoes additionally suffer from the chemicals in sunflowers.

What to Plant Under Sunflowers

If you’re looking for something to plant below your sunflowers, try cucumbers. Cucumbers aren’t affected by the chemicals in sunflowers, and there’s also a mutual benefit to this marriage. The cucumber produces lots of lush foliage near the ground that shades the soil, keeping it cool and slowing moisture loss. The sunflower, with its tall stem and large leaves, which provides needed afternoon shade to the tender cucumber plants, maintaining the leaves and developing fruit from being scorched.

Pole Bean Companion Planting

Some relationships work nicely for the rod bean. Crops that stimulate and encourage strong increase are eggplants, radishes and cucumbers. And also to keep insects at bay, try planting rosemary or catnip close by. There are some other incompatible plants for the pole bean. Avoid planting onions, beats, any member of the cabbage family members and kohlrabi as well as fennel and gladiolus among the rod bean plants. One of the greatest companions for pole beans is corn. Beans climb the corn stem and attract beneficial insects that attack insects in your corn plants. Combine that with the nitrogen-fixing properties of beans, and you have a truly happy marriage in the garden.

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