Are Bunk Bed and Twin Mattresses That the Exact Same Size?

In many cases, a twin-sized mattress is exactly what is needed for a bunk bed. If it comes to some normal bunk using both mattresses exactly the exact same dimensions, most producers create the bunk bed to take a standard twin mattress. However, not all bunk beds are made equally — some feature a twin bed on top, a full on the bottom or perhaps a futon to your bottom bunk region.

Bunk Mattress Basics

A normal bunk bed for a child’s room features two twin mattresses. A twin bed is 39 inches wide and 75 inches long. But another type of twin bed exist: a twin XL. The extra long range has the exact same width, however, an extra five inches of length at 80 inches long. The extra long twin has the exact same length as a queen or king mattress. If you’re unsure which type of twin bed is best for a narrow bunk, then measure the length within the bed area where the mattress belongs. A bunk bed must fit snugly inside the framework or enclosure for maximum safety.

Bunk Bed Variations

A bunk that has a narrow bed on the top and a wide one on the bottom requires one twin and one full-sized mattress. If the bottom area contains a futon that folds into a seat, a futon bed is needed, because these kinds of mattresses flex to attain the desired position.

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